Monday, November 19, 2007

A House Filled With Music

that was one of the 50 things to be thankful for posted on my wall by my kids. It's true. Our home has always been filled with music. When the kids were younger, it was sometimes challenging. A radio in someones bedroom, a guitar and amp in another, drums beating away in the garage, and me with my notebook overflowing with music and chords, (cause i could never remember the songs, words and chords), zoning out in the living room plucking away on my guitar. God knew it would be this way, so He gave me the ability to be oblivious to all the noise----- I mean music. I guess that might explain why i hear a song in almost every conversation. Someone asks, "do you know...." before they can finish their sentence, POP in comes a song. "do you know the way to Santa Fe...". It happens all the time. My husband will call, " Barbie, come over here", i hear the song "Come just as you are....". I think I'm just wired for music.
And so, our home has always been filled with music. Music blasting by me when i would clean the house, much more motivating to do a job no one really wants to do. Music blasting in the garage with the many different bands the boys were in. Resist, Undefiled, the Band with no name, LX45, Letter Kills, etc. I no Mike was in a band with his buds, but the name escapes me at the moment. Music blasting from the girls' room. MUSIC.
It inspires me to pick up my guitar again, cut my finger nails and regain the callouses on the tips of my fingers. If I have been able to influence my kids in some small way, I'm glad it was with Music.
I wouldn't have it any other way.


carrie said...

i kinda miss the constant noise sometimes....wait,..i do have constant noise.its much more pleasant to hear though,sometimes.

Longdistantgrandparents said...

ahh, the noise of little ones, how i remember it well. Try and enjoy these days...and don't blink!
Love Ya,
Mom Remund

Jason & Stephanie said...

Hi there Mom
Boy could I talk about noise! But I wont because everyone is sleeping and all I can hear is my fingers tapping on the keyboard. AAAaahhh... I feel like chocolate.

Murrieta Skies 10/24/07

Murrieta Skies 10/24/07
We still had blue skies

The skies one day later

The skies one day later
What a differance a day makes!