Thursday, October 18, 2007

We Have Coyotes!

No one should EVER have to wake up to this! Ok,Ok, so the puppies are adorable, but....
at 6:00am I have to remind myself just how cute they are. You see, Dad insisted that we keep them in the house cause we have coyotes! Even though the kennel is very secure with a full top on it. So, being the obedient wife that I am (grrrr), I set them up in the pantry. At 6 this morning the smell almost knocked me out. Here they are jumping up and so excited to see me, and I'm not so excited to see them. I had to take them out one at a time, holding each one very carefully. Poo all over the floor is one thing, poo on ME is quite another.To top things off, we were out of coffee! This just can't be happening. After getting them back into the kennel, I wanted to run away. Maybe IT would somehow clean itself, NOT. So an hour later, with the whole house smelling like bleach, I was completely convinced this would never happen again. Just about that time, your dad woke up and came into the kitchen. "The puppies are banished to the kennel forever!" just came flying right out of my mouth. I think with all the doors and windows open, and the bleach smell overwhelming him, he got the message. (He's a very smart man and knows when to let something go). "I have a new bag of coffee in my truck" he said.

1 comment:

Jason & Stephanie said...

Hi Mom, sory about the ,poo. Ahh yes, the good ol' days. I remember them well! Now that I am retired from puppies.(Thank goodness their out of the house!) It seems you have taken up the call. Good luck to Ya! I wouldn't want to be in those shoes(Peeeeyew!)

Love Steph

Murrieta Skies 10/24/07

Murrieta Skies 10/24/07
We still had blue skies

The skies one day later

The skies one day later
What a differance a day makes!